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Checkbox To Determine If An Action Is Completed Or Not

I have a list of dictionaries of clients in a format like this: dict_list = [{'Name of Business' : 'Amazon', 'Contact Name' : 'Jeff Bezos', 'Email' : ''}, {'Name of

Solution 1:

First, you should iterate directly over the list rather than using a counter and a while loop:

for client in dict_list:
    currentClient = Label(text='Client: ' + client['Client']).grid(row=[i], column=1)

Second, if you do x=Label(...).grid(...), x will always be None. Best practice is to use two different statements. In this case the point is moot since you never use currentClient, but you should get in the habit of always separating them. Group your widget creation together, and your layout together, and your GUI will be much easier to manage:

for client in dict_list:
    clientLabel = Label(...)
    contactLabel = Label(...)
    emailLabel = Label(...)


Third -- and this is the answer to your question -- you can create an instance of IntVar for each checkbutton, and store them either in a separate data structure or right along with your data. For example, to store them by business name you might do it like this:

cbVars = {}
for client in dict_list:
    bizname = client["Business Name"]
    cbVars[bizname] = IntVar()
    cb = Checkbutton(..., onvalue=1, offvalue = 0, variable = cbVars[bizname])

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