Using Sklearn Macro F1-score As A Metric In Tensorflow.keras
I have defined custom metric for tensorflow.keras to compute macro-f1-score after every epoch as follows: from tensorflow import argmax as tf_argmax from sklearn.metric import f1_s
Solution 1:
is not TensorFlow code - it is always recommended to avoid using arbitrary Python code in TF that gets executed inside TF's execution graph.
TensorFlow addons already has an implementation of the F1 score (tfa.metrics.F1Score), so change your code to use that instead of your custom metric
Make sure you pip install tensorflow-addons
first and then
import tensorflow_addons as tfa
model_4.compile(loss = 'categorical_crossentropy',
optimizer = Adam(lr=init_lr, decay=init_lr / num_epochs),
metrics = [Recall(name='recall') #, weighted_f1
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