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Cube Root Modulo P -- How Do I Do This?

I am trying to calculate the cube root of a many-hundred digit number modulo P in Python, and failing miserably. I found code for the Tonelli-Shanks algorithm which supposedly is s

Solution 1:

Note added later: In the Tonelli-Shanks algorithm and here it is assumed that p is prime. If we could compute modular square roots to composite moduli quickly in general we could factor numbers quickly. I apologize for assuming that you knew that p was prime.

See here or here. Note that the numbers modulo p are the finite field with p elements.

Edit: See this also (this is the grandfather of those papers.)

The easy part is when p = 2 mod 3, then everything is a cube and athe cube root of a is just a**((2*p-1)/3) %p

Added: Here is code to do all but the primes 1 mod 9. I'll try to get to it this weekend. If no one else gets to it first

#assumes p prime returns cube root of a mod pdefcuberoot(a, p):
    if p == 2:
        return a
    if p == 3:
        return a
    if (p%3) == 2:
        returnpow(a,(2*p - 1)/3, p)
    if (p%9) == 4:
        root = pow(a,(2*p + 1)/9, p)
        ifpow(root,3,p) == a%p:
            return root
            returnNoneif (p%9) == 7:
        root = pow(a,(p + 2)/9, p)
        ifpow(root,3,p) == a%p:
            return root
        print"Not implemented yet. See the second paper"

Solution 2:

Here is a complete code in pure python. By considering special cases first, it is almost as fast as the Peralta algoritm.

#assumes p prime, it returns all cube roots of a mod pdefcuberoots(a, p):

    #Non-trivial solutions of x**r=1defonemod(p,r):
            while g==1: t-=1; g=pow(t,(p-1)//r,p)
            t-=1return sols

        returnsorted({(h*root)%p for h in todo ifpow(h*root,3,p)==a})


if p in [2,3] or a==0: return [a]
if p%3 == 2: return [pow(a,(2*p - 1)//3, p)] #One solution#There are three or no solutions #No solutionifpow(a,(p-1)//3,p)>1: return []

if p%9 == 7:                                #[7, 43, 61, 79, 97, 151]   
    root = pow(a,(p + 2)//9, p)
    ifpow(root,3,p) == a: return solutions(p,3,root,a)
    else: return []

if p%9 == 4:                                #[13, 31, 67, 103, 139]
    root = pow(a,(2*p + 1)//9, p) 
    ifpow(root,3,p) == a: return solutions(p,3,root,a)        
    else: return []        
if p%27 == 19:                              #[19, 73, 127, 181]
    root = pow(a,(p + 8)//27, p)
    return solutions(p,9,root,a)

if p%27 == 10:                              #[37, 199, 307]
    root = pow(a,(2*p +7)//27, p)  
    return solutions(p,9,root,a) 

#We need a solution for the remaining casesreturn tonelli3(a,p,True)

An extension of Tonelli-Shank algorithm.


        g=p-2whilepow(g,(p-1)//3,p)==1: g-=1#Non-trivial solution of x**3=1

if p in [2,3] or a==0: return [a]
if p%3 == 2: return [pow(a,(2*p - 1)//3, p)] #One solution#No solutionifpow(a,(p-1)//3,p)>1: return []

t=p-1while t%3==0: s+=1; t//=3#Cubic nonresidu b
b=p-2whilepow(b,(p-1)//3,p)==1: b-=1

c=pow(c,p-2,p) #c=inverse modulo pfor i inrange(1,s):
    if d==c1: h,r=h*c,r*pow(c,3,p)
    elif d!=1: h,r=h*pow(c,2,p),r*pow(c,6,p)           
if (t-1)%3==0: k=(t-1)//3else: k=(t+1)//3

if (t-1)%3==0: r=pow(r,p-2,p) #r=inverse modulo pifpow(r,3,p)==a: 
    if many: 
        return solution(p,r)
    else: return [r]
else: return [] 

You can test it using:


for a,p in test:
    print"y^3=%s modulo %s"%(a,p)
    print"p%s3=%s"%("%",p%3),sol,"--->",map(lambda t: t^3%p,sol)

which should yield (fast):

y^3=17 modulo 1459 p%3=1 [483, 329, 647] ---> [17, 17, 17] y^3=17 modulo 1000003 p%3=1 [785686, 765339, 448981] ---> [17, 17, 17] y^3=17 modulo 10000019 p%3=2 [5188997] ---> [17] y^3=17 modulo 1839598566765178548164758165715596714561757494507845814465617175875455789047 p%3=1 [753801617033579226225229608063663938352746555486783903392457865386777137044, 655108821219252496141403783945148550782812009720868259303598196387356108990, 430688128512346825798124773706784225426198929300193651769561114101322543013] ---> [17, 17, 17]

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