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New To Flask And Flask-login - Importerror: No Module Named Login

It appears that installation of flask-login has issues. Despite a successful install using the below pip install flask-login My file: from flaskext.login import LoginM

Solution 1:

There was a transition of the flask extension import way:

Instead we now recommend naming packages flask_foo instead of the now deprecated Flask 0.8 introduces a redirect import system that lets uses import from and it will try flask_foo first and if that fails

Flask extensions should urge users to import from instead of flask_foo or flaskext_foo so that extensions can transition to the new package name without affecting users. (Source)

Use this import way with Flask 0.8 or later:

from flask.ext.loginimportLoginManager

Solution 2:

For flask-login 0.3.2 and later, following is the way:

from flask_login importLoginManager

to find the flask-login version, you can run the following command in terminal. Just change the name to know the version of other packages.

pip show flask-login

Note:- not sure from which version of flask-login this convention is followed

Solution 3:

There was yet another transition of the way Flask extensions are imported.

The Flask 0.8 style from flask.ext.login import … is no longer supported, and the even earlier style from flaskext.login import … is also no longer supported.

Use this way with Flask 1.0 or later:

from flask_login importLoginManager

Solution 4:

Use this for importing LoginManager

from flask_login import LoginManager

Login = LoginManager()

Flask login tutorial

Solution 5:

sudo pip install Flask-Security

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