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Why Is My Nmap Module Not Working In Python 3.7

I am currently learning ethical hacking with python and am trying to use Nmap however after installing it, and doing some simple scripting I get the following error: Traceback (mos

Solution 1:

Nmap is a tool used for Networking Scanning. First install nmap dependencies using the command

pip install python-nmap

If you want to use the nmap tool directly in debian.

sudo apt install nmap

This will work for you more efficiently.

Solution 2:

The top error message,

nmap program was not found

is because the nmap application does not exist, even though the module exists. To fix it you have to install the nmap application:

$ brew install nmap

Solution 3:

There are two types of nmpas

uninstall nmap

pip uninstall nmap

then install

pip install python-nmap

still use import nmap though

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